Thursday, 13 December 2012

Welcome to the Fructose Free Recipe Blog!!

Welcome to my Blog!!

I'm Sheree, I live in Australia, and I was diagnosed with Hereditary Fructose Intolerance via a liver biopsy in the Camperdown Childrens Hospital in Sydney at the age of 3.

So many things I have read and the comments from people with this condition has inspired me to start this blog. Yes, it is important to maintain your diet, be strict with yourself and you will stay out of trouble, but why do we have to eat pork chops and spinach everynight? (not that there is anything wrong with this as I love pork chops :)  But why eat boring all the time??

There is sooo much more information out there available to us then there was when i was a child.  My mum used to write to some companies like Kraft, and Pauls and Smiths etc trying to find out what the ingredients of things were.  Most of the time they couldn't be bothered replying and if she did get a reply it was of no help whatsoever as special dietary information wasn't enforced back then.  Now.... Google it, you have your answer in less then a minute usually.

So the reason i've started this blog is to share with you that just because we can't eat freely why should we restrict ourselves to boring, same same, foods over and over.  Lets at least enjoy the small window of food we can tolerate.

I hope this helps someone out there.  Please be aware, I am not a Doctor.  I am not a nutritionist (although i would love to be :)  So please be careful.  It has taken many years of trial and error, many trips to the hospital for pain releif, many nights of vomiting, screaming in pain and hating the world before I was able to get to the stage where i am at now, i know what my body can tolerate and not tolerate, i know to what limit i can push my body, but we are all different take it ingredient by ingredient and hopefully you will be sharing some recipe's with me.

 BTW! I only post easy recipe's.  I love cooking but don't like spending hours and hours in the kitchen so most of these are time saving and easy recipes!

Contact me anytime for questions, ideas, feedback etc or just to introduce yourself!!

1 comment:

  1. I am wondering how Sheree how are U I live in Nottingham but I was born in Poland,
    I was diagnosed HFI when I was almost two years old in Warsaw. I am 31 year old now, together with my family we cooking health food without Fructose. It’s difficult but the plus is: I buy good and healthy product without horrible ingredients as : palm oil or fructose-glucose syrup... they are everywhere...
